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and Enjoy the Ride!


Top Trending, Focused on Freeride Ryan Kime Top Trending, Focused on Freeride Ryan Kime

Big Mountain Turning: Art or Science?

Big mountain slopes open riders up to extreme terrain with its natural obstacles, features, and highly variable snow. What worked on the groomers has little chance on these rowdy faces unless you make some adjustments to your game. My goal here (working off the superstar opinions of Jeremy Jones and Neil McNab) is simple. Learn how to control your speed by carving arcs that flow with the mountain. The application however, is more complicated…

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Welcome to The Free Soul Skier. A place to find my best ideas and most inspired stories about skiing and living the mountain lifestyle.

My focus is on freeride and the big mountain community, but I also love learning about skiing and getting the most out of my days on the mountain.

Skiing is life and the mountains provide an incredible opportunity to enjoy it, if you just know how.

Live Inspired. Ski Better. Enjoy The Ride.

Learn more about Ryan here.

“The journey is the reward.”

— Jeremy Jones